
Monday, 1 June 2015

Relaxing on the Lawn

Now is the time to sit back in the deckchair and enjoy the fruits (or weeds, in my case) of your hard work.

Here are a few rhymes to see you out the door.

Here comes the Sun!

Can't take this - it's sweltering -
dazzling me eyes, scorching me skin,
giving me headaches, doing me in!

So much for blue skies!
I'm going in!

The rest of these assume you're facing up to the heat (or rain).

Touching Base

Lazing in the deckchair,
gazing at the blue,
falling straight to sleep there -
falling straight through!

Garden Sounds

Kids can be noisy;
dogs are worse,
but cars chugging past
are a chug-chug curse.

Let us eat Lettuce

We have thirty-six crunchy lettuces,
for thirty-six lunch and teas!
But the whole lot are rotting
at the rate of knots,
so we're munching through 'em in threes.

More coming soon. 


Copyright note
All poems on this site are copyright: Kate Williams.
To use for commercial purposes, please contact me first.

June Jungle

Ah, summer at last! How lovely the garden looks! (At a distance.)


Summer is here -
the shrubs are flowering!

Slugs are here,
deftly devouring.

Courgette Crisis

Is your kitchen spacious?
Long and not too narrow?
Could you do a favour?
Could you take a marrow?

It won't fit in your basket,
and it's far too big to clutch.
I'll wheel it round in the barrow.
Thank you oh, so much!

Celery Stress

Won't you take some celery?
Not a single stick?
A slice or two in a nice beef stew
won't make you feel sick!


Mowing the lawn is relaxing -
really quite a delight,
and lucky that's so,
for as we know,
there ain't no end in sight.


More summery rhymes coming soon.

Happy gardening!


Copyright note
Please note that all poems on this site are the copyright of me, Kate Williams.
If you'd like to use any, in any way, for any commercial purpose, please contact me beforehand to discuss.

Thank you.


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Sister site for teachers


My other interest - helping children be poets...

This is a gardening site, but I thought I'd just let you know about my new site for teachers, in case you are one, or have a relative or friend who teaches, and might find it handy.

The site is:, and entitled: 'Poetry-Teaching Tips'. 

As a lover of gardens, nature and wildlife, I frequently draw on their riches in my ideas for creative writing in schools.

Parents, grandparents...

The site is also relevant to parents, grandparents and other carers of children, offering suggestions for helping youngsters to develop linguistic skills, verbal and written, through enjoyable and natural activities.

But now it's time to get back to the garden - and those wretched weeds!


Saturday, 28 March 2015

Happy Gardening Easter!


Hope you gardeners are all geared up for a peaceful Easter in your spring gardens, with your mowers and trimmers and chain saws and strimmers and rotivators and generators and... ear plugs.

With global warming really coming into its own now, we're set for a warm, balmy Easter break, and what with all those spring bulbs lined up, waiting for good homes in the soil, which in turn is probably waiting in a packet, or under last year's weeds, it looks to be a pretty busy Easter too. But let's try and make sure 'warm' doesn't boil up into 'hot under the collar', and 'balmy' doesn't become 'barmy', and 'break' doesn't crack up into 'break down' - oh - and that next door get a minute or two's peace between your machines... or is it the other way round in your case?

This is also a time for programme planning and speaker bookings: I'm taking bookings at the moment for this year and early next, but please note that I'm currently only planning as far as spring 2016.

I'm also open to requests for personalised poems, or purchase of poems from my website. Please contact me to discuss any thoughts or requests.

Happy Easter!


Tel. 01446 760124

PS: If you're a teacher as well, you might like to browse my other website, featuring poems for and by children, and workshops for schools: